Helpful Links


Professional Group Professionnel of Organbuilder About the organs
Orgues en France  

Magazines and specialized Websites

ISO-International Society of Organbuilders Magazine specialized in organbuilding in 3 ,languages: english, french, german
GDO- Gesellschaft der Orgelfreunde Organ specialized "Society of Organfriends" who publish the magazine " Ars Organi " (only in german) about pipeorgan music and building.
AGO- The American Guild of Organists Publish " The American Organist "
GOart - Goeteborg Organ Art Center (in english)
Orgues Nouvelles French quarterly magazine for organists and musicians in europe
L' Hydraule Specialized WebSite about organbuilding


Toulouse les orgues Festival: concerts et activities around the organ
International organ day French dates

Comunities and other Websites that promotes the Pipeorgan